This blog came out of my trek through the Wilderness written in Revelation 12:6. I'm not quite done. I should have started writing in Autumn of 2020, when God gave me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand all that He has for me, but it likely would have been too raw. Then, God answered my 7-year prayer in an avalanche, and right on time. I had to stop seeing because it was more than I could receive. But it was enough. It is A LOT. And I remain hopeful.
What did I learn? I discovered God's immense love for me, the vastness of His Kingdom, and most importantly, His Word is pure. He has been with me always, and I with Him. I have no fear. He is my Dad.
I learned what I am willing to do and what I am not willing to do; that He gifted me with smarts to discern Right from Wrong, Rite from Wong, and Wright from Ron. It's mostly common sense of the human kind. Mostly, He wanted me to see myself through His eyes.
I learned I was never alone. Instead, He sent His armies to prepare the way for me, to walk with me, and to follow behind me. So huge are His forearms that I never saw the path He prepared for me. So wide is his body that I couldn't see I was always in the midst of His Kingdom. So long are His legs that His Goodness continues to blaze the path I walked as a child.
I saw that every individual faces His judgement. You won't see it coming. If you've been wearing your Armour of Ephesians 6:10-20, the Saints will be there for you, to testify on your behalf. You are not alone.
I don't know how this work will evolve, buy I invite you on this journey with me. I can assure that the trail won't be "perfect" as the world judges; but, it will be perfection in my Father's eyes. I can promise you I will not be the vanilla scone with your creamed latte. Instead, I will probably be sweet n' salty Whatchamacallit, sometimes NutsOWhat, sometimes a greasy burger, and a whole lotta' whiskey, blunts, and music, if He lets me live on this earth long.
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